Actionable Finance

Sam Eklund

Welcome to Actionable Finance!

I’m Sam and welcome to my little slice of the internet – I’m surprised you found it!


I’ve always been a saver from a young age but started taking a serious interest in personal finance and investing in 2022. Since then I’ve learnt a lot, made plenty of mistakes and realised a few key things on my personal finance journey.

  1. That not many people know the basics of personal finance as they are never taught it.
  2. That investing isn’t that scary or that difficult after a little bit of education. 
  3. And that maybe just maybe the things I have learnt could benefit others out their.

This blog will aim to add to the voices out their helping to make personal finance more accessible to all and educate people on the subject. As you may have guessed I’m not a financial advisor just your average down to earth guy trying to reach financial freedom or at the very least a little bit of financial security. That being said all information posted here is not financial advice but for educational purposes and its my hope that you’ll be learning with me. If you find any of this website useful then this project will have been deemed a success.


Enjoy and happy investing!

Sam Eklund Actionable Reading

Sam Eklund

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